Join the League of Women Voters for two forums on Sunday, June 26th at the Cadby Theatre at Chesapeake College. Forums are free and open to the public. Audience questions will be allowed. 1:30 - 3:00pm Forum for Republican Candidates for Maryland Senate District 36 3:15 - 4;45pm …
Our vision is that we will feature every Republican candidate on the ballot, offering an opportunity to: Introduce themselves and the office for which they are campaigning; pass out literature; speak to voters one on one. As there are many public speaking opportunities for each candidate, our desire is that this be less formal, offering…
Join the QAC League of Women Voters for a County Commisisoner Forum for Republican Candidates 6:30 - 8:00pm Republican Candidates for QA County Commissioner QAC Board of Education Building 202 Chesterfield Ave, Centreville, MD
Queen Anne's County Farm Bureau members along with citizens of Queen Anne's County would like get to know all the prospective county commissioner candidates for a "Question and Answer Town Hall Meeting." We all would like to take the time to learn more about the candidates and their views for QAC in the future.
2022 Primary Election Early Voting begins on July 7th and runs through July 14th (including Sunday). Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm Early Voting Sites for QAC are Kent Island VFD (1610 Main Street, Chester) and the QAC Board of Elections office (110 Vincit Street, Centreville)